Great, let's get started with the interview!
1) What is your writing routine? I don’t really have a routine. I just write whenever I get the time. Early morning when my daughter goes to school, at night when the family is asleep. At the day job.
2) Which author/s inspire you to write? All the authors who write romance. I read as voraciously as I write.
3) Which is your favorite romance subgenre to read? To write? I like erotic romance, it’s what I write. Any sub of that is fine. Paranormal, fantasy, Interracial. Anything with amazing plot and great love scenes.
4) How do you deal with criticism/rejection? I deal. Criticism—when coming from a place of respect is always welcome. Rejection I accept as part of writing, they go hand in hand.
5) What do you expect from an editor? Understanding and knowledge of my particular genre. An ability to allow me my freedom to write, but to call me on my mistakes and work with me to correct them without the stifling of my voice, or rewriting my plot.
6) Tell me about your latest release. My latest release is Blindfold Me with Secret Cravings Publishing. It’s part fiction, part fact, and complete romance.
7) Tease us with a blurb or short excerpt. Certainly, here’s the blurb:Thirteen years ago, Lyric Benson's boyfriend accused her of sleeping with his older brother then disappeared. She never stopped caring, never stopped hoping. Now, all these years later, Lyric is stunned to discover the new owner of her company is one Grayson St. Clair, who never forgot or forgave her transgression.
Grayson wants nothing to do with someone he thinks hurt him so deeply. He can't let go of the past and he can't trust Lyric. It doesn't help matters that while on her watch, the Masonry company she oversaw was hacked into and the company's top secret client list accessed. Reluctantly, Lyric and Grayson team up to find the culprit, with Grayson denying their blossoming feelings at every turn. But when his brother appears, secrets in tow, Grayson will have to choose: live in the past or move on with Lyric.
8) Which is your favorite character in the book? Why? I love the tough heroines, those who give as good as they get. The ones who are in tune with their bodies, their hearts, and willing to put it all on the line for love. Plus, they gotta have smart mouths.
9) What are you working on right now? I’m working on book three of my Wicked series with eXtasy books titled In Wicked Chains. It’s the toughest one yet.
10) Your biggest piece of advice to aspiring novelists? Write.
11) Where can readers find you? I’m at http://www.avrilashton.weebly.com
Thanks for having me, Rachel! I appreciate it :)