Saturday, 28 April 2012
Saturday Promo - Smut by the Sea...
Thursday, 26 April 2012
Welcome Loose ID author, Lori Toland!
While hoping for a chance to take back what is rightfully his, Bradley’s sole mission becomes to seduce Tony Terranova, Jr, the heir to a notorious mafia dynasty. Though Tony is strikingly handsome, the usually dominant Bradley is hesitant to submit to the sexual whims of a dangerous Mafioso.
What Bradley doesn't expect is for Tony to fall to his knees so eagerly for him, leaving him blindsided by how intensely their dark tastes complement each other. Now Bradley is caught up in a deadly game of lies and desire, where what he truly wants may not be what duty requires.
Tuesday, 24 April 2012
Welcome fellow Wild Rose Press author, Marie Tuhart!

So glad to welcome you back to my site today, Marie! I am a fan your work and can't wait to get to your latest. LOVING the cover, gorgeous!!
Shall we kick off the interview? Yes? Here we go...
1) Who is your favourite author and why?
It's so hard to pick one, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Christine Feehan, Emma Lai, Sandra Sookoo to name a few.
2) When did you first consider yourself a writer?
Back in 1998 when I decided to take my writing seriously
3) Describe your writing space?
Right now, my writing space is the guest bedroom, it has my desk, bunk beds, a small craft desk, another desk with my printer on it. Two small bookcases. But soon, I'll have a room that is only my office.
4) What are you reading now?
Right now I'm reading Fifty Shades of Grey
5) How many books have your written? Which is your favourite?
I've written 15 books, and I really don't have a favorite.
6) What comes first, plot or characters?
Usually characters
7) Do you ever suffer from writer’s block?
Yes, I don't really think about it as writer's block, I think of it as my well has run dry so it's time to refill the well by doing something just for myself.
8) What do you like to do when you’re not writing?
Reading, walking, talking about writing, oh and sleeping.
9) Tell us about your latest book?
His for the Weekend
Cassandra Adams has a problem and its name is Marcus DeLuca. The man is quite determined to have her--on his terms. Cassie has had enough of domineering men in her life, yet she's drawn to strong, virile Marcus. Tempted to get that man out of her system once and for all, she agrees that she will be his for a weekend only--but then he must leave her alone forever.
Marcus will do anything to get sexy, non-committal Cassie into his arms, into his bed--failure is not an option. He wants nothing more than to keep Cassie in his life, but he senses a secret that keeps her from being able from committing--from submitting--to any man. Will Marcus's special brand of domination free her to be his for more than a weekend?
10) What’s next for you?
I have two stories coming out this summer in an anthology called Hooked Up At The Wedding from Sybarite Seductions
Here's the blurb: The secret fantasy, hooking up with someone, no strings attached, then walking away. Has the best man, caterer or another guest at a wedding caught your eye and triggered the “what if” question? In a situation where love, romance and sex abound, three authors present six short stories about just that.
Excerpt from my current release His for the Weekend:
“I can’t take this anymore.” Her voice was whisper soft, but he heard the words as clear as if she had shouted them.
His heart leaped—now he could prove to her there was more to him than a co-worker and give their relationship a chance. “What are you willing to give me?”
Her head snapped up and she gnawed on her lip. “Twenty-four hours.”
“Not enough. A hundred and twenty.”
Her mouth opened then closed. Her gaze darted left, then right, before settling back on his face. He could almost see the wheels turning in her head. A good sign—she was willing to be his.
“Too long. Forty-eight.”
He stood and crossed over to her. He needed to be close to her as they negotiated. “Still not enough. Ninety-six uninterrupted hours with you.”
Her nose scrunched up and her lashes swept down, cutting off the view of her expressive eyes. “Sixty—six tonight until six Monday morning.”
He noted the stubborn set to her chin. It wasn’t ideal, but he could do it. He would not fail in winning her over. Leaning close, he whispered, “I’ll take it.”
She exhaled, lashes rising until she stared at him. “What are the ground rules?”
“There are none.”
Her eyes widened. Oh, yes, he had her now and he wasn’t letting go.
“No barriers. No rules.”
Her shoulders dipped, then straightened. She acted like she was preparing for a battle, but it would be a battle of sex. “All right, but when the sixty hours are done, we’re finished. I mean it. No flowers, no gifts, no mention of this weekend. Ever.”
Without another word, she spun on her heels to walk out of his office.
He was quick to cross the room. He captured her by the shoulders, bringing her to a halt. His lips brushed her ear and a shiver shook her. “Remember what I said at the party?”
She didn’t answer him, but her swift intake of breath was the only answer he needed.
“You belong to me.”
“I belong to no man.”
He slid his hands down her arms, past her clenched fists and encircled her waist, bringing her back flush against his chest, her breathing shallow.
She didn’t struggle, not even when he tilted his hips, letting her know how much she aroused him.
“You will belong to me. I promise.”
Marie's website:
Marie's blog:
Group blog:
Twitter: @marietuhart
Buy link:
Great interview, Marie - we sound like very similar people. If I'm not writing, I'm talking about it or thinking about it while walking the English countryside. Not a bad life... ;)
Sunday, 22 April 2012
Saturday Promo - Becca Simone...

Under the light of a full moon and lurking in the restless waves of the deep blue sea,
someone or something watches a ship cutting through the dark waters.
Insurance fraud investigator Kate Hargrove is looking into the disappearances of women from a cruise line. She soon “disappears” herself when pulled undersea by a giant sea creature. Now, this beauty is trapped beneath the sea with a desperate beast.
100 years ago, Thaddeus Ryker was cursed and banished to the ocean depths. He has only three more days to find someone to love him in his monstrous half man/half sea creature state or he’ll spend eternity as a monster of the sea.
When her terror subsides, Kate realizes she’s both attracted to and repulsed by Thaddeus. As she gets to know him, she discovers a sexy, haunted man. Can she learn to love him – a monster – in just three days?
“Then shut up and kiss me, Thaddeus,” she muttered.
He lifted his head. “You modern women are so demanding,” he said, before clamping his mouth onto hers. This time, he was the one in control, his tongue demanding and thorough. “Heaven on earth, you taste amazing,” he said, coming up for air.
“And this isn’t my tastiest body part,” she whispered, feeling incredibly wanton and frisky, so unlike how she usually was with men. This whole situation was so surreal.
His chuckle vibrated behind her ear. “What is your tastiest part?”
She giggled and dropped her head back, allowing him better access to the sensitive skin of her neck. “You’ll know when you find it.” God, this was fun.
His tongue dipped into the shell of her ear. He blew on her softly. “Mmm, you taste pretty good right here,” he murmured. He bent her backward over his strong forearms, and kissed a path down to her breasts. He met her eyes, grinned, and then his mouth closed over a nipple, drawing it into his hot mouth. Every suck pulled deep in her pussy. If she didn’t know better, she’d think he was kissing her clit at the same time as the pleasure radiated between her legs.
“You’re doing that mind thing again, aren’t you?” she asked, her voice breathless.
“I’m sorry, my love. I have been too long without a woman and I’m afraid I can’t keep my lusty thoughts from the sweet spot between your legs.”
That sweet spot ached and she squirmed against the rock. “No apologies necessary,” she gasped.
Buy Link:
Thursday, 19 April 2012
Welcome erotic romance writer, B J Hayes!

I am thrilled to welcome fellow Wild Rose Press author, B J Hayes to my site today - before we get started with the cover I just have to say...your title? Your idea or your editors? So, so naughty!
Here come the questions...
1) Did you set any goals for 2012?
Yes! I very high financial one :).
2) What is the best part of the writing process for you?
Typing "the end." Writing is difficult work, as any writer will tell you. To quote Gloria Steinem, "I do not like to write. I like to have written."
3) The worst part?
Sitting down at the computer and just doing it. I'm an expert at procrastination!
4) What is the book you wish you’d written?
Fifty Shades of Grey. I haven't even read it yet, but I'd love for one of my books to go viral like that!
5) Favourite author/s & book/s?
Too many to count! A few who have inspired me through the years: Lisa Kleypas, Judy Blume, J. K. Rowling, Jaid Black, Nora Roberts, Laura Ingalls eclectic mix, I know.
Some of my favorites books: The Elements of Style by William Strunk, Jr. and E.B. White, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith, Outlander by Diana Gabaldon, No Gentle Love by Rebecca Brandewyne, Summer Sisters by Judy Blume, Suddenly You by Lisa Kleypas, The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold, The Dark Side of Nowhere by Neal Shusterman.
6) Tell us about your latest release?
Oral Invitation is my first release as B.J. Hayes. My alter ego, Helen Hardt, has been publishing since 2008. I wanted a new name for my m/m work.
7) Tease us with a blurb/short except
Dylan Lindstrom has always loved women and always will. At least that's what he thinks until free spirit Jackson Carter invites him back to his place for a beer. Jackson is athletic, outgoing, good-looking, loves motorcycles—a man’s man—and Dylan feels an instant connection with him. But when Jackson offers him more than a bike ride through Denver, Dylan must decide if he’s ready to accept Jackson’s oral invitation.
“Here it is.” He handed Dylan a brochure. “I’ve done this ride before. We go through Dillon, then over Rabbit Ears Pass through Steamboat to this tiny little town called Murphy where we have dinner and spend the night. Then we head back around the long way.” He pointed to the map inside the brochure. “There’s some great scenery through here, and we ought to glimpse some wildlife. A beautiful canyon. It’s about four hours the first day, five hours home the second. Because it’s short, we don’t have to get up at the buttcrack of dawn.”
Dylan laughed. “That sounds good. I’m not a real morning person. Except when I get up to play racquetball.”
“You play? So do I. We should play sometime.”
“Yeah, sure. I’d like to.”
“Okay, I’ll give you a call.” He pressed the brochure into Dylan’s hand. “You can keep this. I hope you’ll think about going.”
“I sure will. I haven’t had the time for a long ride in a while. I’ve missed it.” He took a long draft of his beer. “I used to ride all summer when I was in college, the years after college, too. I haven’t had time lately. Been too busy building my business. I sure miss the sun and wind on my face, though. So relaxing.”
“I know what you mean,” Jackson said. “There’s something about being on that bike that relaxes me like nothing else.” He let out a soft chuckle. “Well, almost nothing else.”
“Yeah.” Dylan couldn’t help smiling. “I’d take a good blow job over a bike ride any day.”
“Me, too.” Jackson looked straight into Dylan’s eyes. “You want one now?”
Dylan nearly blew beer out his nose. “Excuse me?”
Jackson’s dark eyes penetrated his skin. Dylan closed his own for a moment, but Jackson’s stare still burned him. Like a thousand little fire-laden thorns prickling his entire body.
“I asked if you’d like a blow job.” Jackson’s deep voice was husky, sensual.
“Well…b-by whom?” Dylan stammered.
Jackson’s full lips curled upward into a teasing grin. “By me, fool.”
Dylan swallowed. “You can’t be serious.”
“Oh, I am.”
“Oh my God.”
“You haven’t lived until you’ve had a blow job by a guy. Guys have stronger mouths, and I’ll never complain about my jaw aching, because I’ll enjoy every mind blowing minute of it.”
8) What is your favourite attribute of the hero and heroine?
I guess I'll answer for both heroes, lol. What I like most about Dylan is his innocence. What I like most about Jack is his love of people for who they are, not their gender. And of course they're both smokin' hot!
9) What’s next?
What's not next? Lol. I'm getting ready to self publish some of my backlist, I'm working on a two-part series on self-editing, and I'm toying with an anthology of lesbian erotica. I'm also getting ready to submit stories to two of my publishers.
10) Tell me where you write?
I'm lucky enough to have an office in my home. I do most of my writing there.
11) Where would you like your career to be in 5 years?
I would like to be self-supporting as a writer. With my name on the NYT bestseller list, of course!
12) Where can we find you?, and on twitter @bjhayesauthor
Saturday, 14 April 2012
Guilty Pleasure Book Reviews are my pleasure!

Thursday, 12 April 2012
New Release, Contest, and Book Giveaway - welcome, Randi Alexander!!
Thank you, Rachel, for interviewing me today. I'm Randi Alexander and I write cowboy erotic romance. I'm published with The Wild Rose Press' Cowboy Kink line. My second Cowboy Kink, Her Cowboy Stud, was released March 23.
1) When and why did you decide you wanted to be a published author?
I started writing Regency historical romances about fifteen years ago because I loved reading them and wanted to create my own world. I finished two, both about pirates, and actually had an editor read one. She gave me some great suggestions, but then with everything going on in my life, I packed the manuscripts away and they're still under my bed! I picked up writing again in 2008 when friends encouraged me to follow my hibernating dream of becoming a published author.
2) What is the best and worst thing you have learned from an editor/agent?
I have a wonderful editor at The Wild Rose Press. She's taught me how to look at a sentence, a paragraph, and a scene and infuse more emotion, more sensuality into it. Her suggestions have given my writing new life. It brings readers deeper into the story and involves them more intimately with the characters.
3) Favourite author/s?
There are so many, it's difficult to name them all. I love Linda Lael Miller. Her cowboy stories are so well written and have such strong messages, they always inspire me. I adore the Black Dagger Brotherhood series from J.R. Ward. For historical romances, I always reach for Lisa Kleypas.
4) What is your typical day?
After feeding the family and hustling them out the door, I spend time checking e-mails, Facebook, favorite blogs, etc. Then I write; whether it's blog posts, reviews, or pages of my manuscript, I try to get in at least five hours of writing each day. Most afternoons include a nap, which is my way of restoring energy. Then it's supper, family time, and I try to get in at least an hour of social networking or writing after the house quiets down.
5) Share your blurb or short excerpt from your latest release with us
I'd love to!

Trace McGonagall’s quiet life on his Houston stud ranch is shaken up when gorgeous Macy Veralta arrives to claim an inheritance left to her in his uncle’s will. Trace sees her as just another gold digger, but he also can’t resist her curvy body. When she hints at being the perfect submissive to his Dom, he has to have her.
Macy wouldn’t have been three months late to claim her inheritance if she’d known Trace was sin in jeans. The cowboy’s dominant bearing and the smoldering glint in his eyes send shivers to her toes and stirs images of being bound in his bed and disciplined at his hand. But could Trace’s perfect seduction be part of his plan to reclaim her inheritance?
You can read the first chapter on my website.
6) Who would you cast to play your hero & heroine in a movie?
Since Trace is a Dom, I imagine him played by Alex O'Loughlin (from Hawaii 5-0.) I think he'd be a hot and sexy cowboy. Macy is a strong, confident woman, and I could see Reese Witherspoon playing her in a movie.
7) Did you plan this book? Or write it as it came?
I outlined the book and wrote it as a short story. When I submitted it to my editor at The Wild Rose Press, she suggested I add a little BDSM and some more adventurous bedroom play, and that's how the book made it into the Cowboy Kink line.
8) What surprised you the most when you became a published author?
Definitely the wonderful support I receive from other authors. I'd imagined it would be a cutthroat world of business where every author jealously guarded their readers and shared nothing with newly published writers. It's absolutely just the opposite!
I'm also amazed at the connections I have with readers. I love to hear from readers, whether it's praise for my writing or suggestions for my next cowboy hero. I've made many friends, and I hope to hear from many others.
9) Do you have a dedicated writing space? What does it look like?
I write in a bar. Our spare bedroom was converted into a bar with a small, private patio attached. My LazyGirl chair is in there, and that's where I usually write. I posted pictures of it at Wild and Wicked Cowboys Blog if you'd care to see them.
10) What’s next for you?
I'm writing a space opera. It's like a soap opera, but it takes place in outer space in the near future. There's an alien, a cowboy, and a beautiful heroine. I'll let your imagination take it from there…
To celebrate the release of Her Cowboy Stud, I'm giving away, to one lucky *commenter, an e-copy of my new erotic romance short story anthology, Cowboy Bad Boys. Just leave a comment today and we'll choose a winner tomorrow. *Commenter must be 18 years of age or older to win.

I'm also giving away a custom-made messenger bag and a $50 gift certificate to Pureromance to one subscriber to my newsletter. For more details, and to sign up for this contest, please go to my website,
Good luck, and thank you!
"Rode Hard and Put Up Satisfied"
Her Cowboy Stud available at The Wild Rose Press Wilder Roses
Kindle version is available at