Monday 5 March 2012

Novella number three is sold!!!

Thrilled by a Third Acceptance – Will I get a fourth?

I am fairly newbie erotic romance writer, having had my first novella published by The Wild Rose Press in 2010. Explicitly English was my first story and my lovely editor patiently helped me learn more and more about writing erotic romance fiction as opposed to writing mainstream romance. I learned a lot and still consider myself very much a student!

The key ingredient for both writer and reader of erotic romance is red-hot sensuality – the sexual tension between the couple, the physical and mental sensations they arouse in each other, the tastes, smells and sights they experience when they are together is paramount in creating an erotic and thrilling atmosphere in which we can completely lose ourselves.

The difference a reader wants when they choose to buy an erotic romance rather than a mainstream romance is not the sex but the ‘no holds barred’ erotic experience the heroine and hero are living through. The reader doesn’t necessarily want every vivid, technical detail of what is happening to be conveyed to them – who wants to read about endless genitalia and bouncing bosoms, when they would rather ‘feel’ what the hero or heroine is feeling?

They want the sensations – they want to be squirming on their seat or fidgeting in their bed. They want to be turned on. Hopefully turned on enough to turn to their partner and demand to be taken care of! To me, this can only happen if they are inside the heroine or hero’s head and riding the wave right along with them.

I hope this is what I achieve in my writing and will keep on achieving it. Every writer worries that once they sold book number one, they won’t sell number two and on it goes. As for me? Well, I have sold three erotic romance novellas to The Wild Rose Press and I am currently writing the fourth…wish me luck! In the meantime, here is the blurb for my next release “Zante Heat”, enjoy!


Chef Michelle Hutton flies from the UK to Greece in search of a new beginning. Her first encounter is with a sexy, pro-bono lawyer Sam Clarke.

In need of a job and a future – Sam’s sister has a restaurant in desperate need of a new chef. Michelle soon wonders if Sam is also the key to her future. He seems too good to be true and her trust has been broken over and over. He’s sexy, capable and totally in control. Too damn hard to resist…

Sam Clarke is on a mission to help women in jeopardy. When he meets Michelle with hair like a sheet of gold and eyes bluer than the ocean, the electricity between them is hotter than a live wire. He soon learns she’s more than capable of demanding and getting what she wants. She doesn’t need him; he should walk away…yet time and again he goes back for more.

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